Sunday, August 19, 2007


Sally tried to go to sleep but

she couldn't, she missed her

Dora doll and her old baby-

sitter and her dad and her

cousins in New York and

the doggy she'd wished for

but didn't have yet and her

old school and the new one,

her kindergarten, and the

teacher who, Sally said in

a thin voice, between noisy

breaths, is - nice, sort of.

She missed her pink rain-

boots and her high bed and

the ice cream she couldn't

finish and her mom

whom she didn't mention and

the pony at Turtle Back Zoo.

After we'd whispered the list and

I sang the old songs: My Little

Nut Tree, Loola Loola Bye-Bye,

and she hugged Fishie, she fell into

the long night.